Castro: The Painting
Castro Street has a deep meaning to me. Being a gay man I spent most of my young life enjoying this street! I took the picture in June of last year, literally the day before the shooting massacre at the Orlando Night Club. It was devastating to the world and especially the gay community. Being gay isn't the easiest way of life! We have all gone through some sort of hardship with family, friends etc. For this to happen in a safe place, a place most of us have found solis, or to just escape is horrible!When I painted Castro I decided to dedicate the street to the 49 angles that were lost that night. I picked up a candle from a memorial on the street and used it in each of the angles hands. There are also signs through out the painting describing this in case you missed it. This is dedicated to them, all the angles that look after us. May you keep dancing in our hearts.

handshands in the paintin